O中华文化促进会(简称“文促会”,英文名称Chinese Culture Promotion Society,缩写为CCPS)创立于1992年,是注册于中华人民共和国民政部的全国性联合性社会组织。文促会业务主管部门为中华人民共和国文化和旅游部,是目前中国最大规模、最具代表性的文化NGO。2004年国家授予“全国先进民间组织”荣誉称号。现为中国民间组织国际交流促进会副会长单位。
A national association registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and founded in 1992. the Chinese Culture Promotion Society (CCPS )flourishes under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Peoples Republic of China. CCPS currently the largest and most iconically representative cultural NGO in China. In 2004. it received the honorary title of " Model Civil Organization in China" from the Chinese government.CCPS is a vice-president unit of China NGO Network for International Exchanges
CCPS is dedicated to Promoting Chinese culture and advancing international exchanges. It has over a hundred regional organizations, branches and corporate members. Individual members include prominent cultural and social figures from China and around the world. The organization is headquartered in Beijing and is led by chairman and legal representative Wang Shi, with Xu Jialu and Gao Zhanxiang as honorary chairmen
Since its founding, about 2, 000 cultural events have been convened or presided over by CCPS and its regional and overseas organizations, according to incomplete statistics. Notable among them are:the compilation and publication of The Twenty-four Histories: Contemporary Annotated Edition, a comprehensive study of China s canonical history texts: the Chinese Culture Forum and the 2004 CulturalDeclaration for the promotion of traditional culture, the International Culture Industry Forum to facilitate international exchange and cooperation: the annual ‘Chinese Cultural Personality’ award in recognition ofoutstanding Chinese cultural figures from around the world; the 20th Century Chinese Music Masterpieces.Dance Masterpieces and Photography Masterpieces event series to showcase the artistic and creative achievement of the past century; the Cross-the-strait Humanities Dialogue and the Cross-the-strait Culture Industry Memorandum to promote cultural exchange between Taiwan island and the Chinese mainland and the Mountain Flowers Project to provide college scholarships for impoverished students from ten former,revolutionary regions. In addition, CCPS established the Chinese Festival Cooperative, Culture Industry.Cooperative, The Tea Road Cooperative, Private Museum Cooperative, Micro-film Cooperative, China Central Digital Television Calligraphy and Painting Channel(SHPD) and China Digital Central Television.Audio-visual World Channel (DOXTV). All of these projects and programs have been well-received both domestically and internationally.
Those who have attended or have gotten involved in CCPS events include Chinese leaders such as Xi Jinping,Li Zhanshu Zemin, Hu Jintao, Li Peng,Li Ruihuan,Zhu Rongji, Wu Bangguo Jia Qinglin, Yu Zhengsheng, Zhang Gaol, as well as prominent Chinese and international cultural figures such as Chen Li Fu, Li Nun Hsu, Frederick Chien, Yao Eng-chi, Yok Mu-ming, Liu Chao-shiuan, Jao Tsung-i, Ji Xianlin,Ren Jiyu, Chen Ning Yang, T sung-Dao lee,Tu Weiming,Zhou Youguang,Wen Huaisha, Qigong, Liu Tingfang, Wang Meng, He Luang,Li Delun, Xie Jin, Ikeda Dasa ,Anna Chan Chennault and Yehudi Menuhin.