以独立作者或第一作者兼任通讯作者的身份在Social Media + Society, Chinese Journal of Communication, 《中国青年研究》等国内外核心期刊中发表多篇论文。相关研究成果也被国际传播学协会(ICA)年会,国际媒介与传播研究协会(IAMCR)年会,媒介、传播与文化研究协会(MeCCSA)年会等国际传播学重要会议接收。目前,担任New Media & Society, Big Data & Society, Sexualities等SSCI期刊匿名审稿人;担任ICA、IAMCR年会审稿人及会员。更多个人信息及学术情况请见个人官网:www.longxuanzhao.com
Zhao, L.* (2023). Filter Bubbles? Also Protector Bubbles! Folk Theories of Zhihu Algorithms Among Chinese Gay Men. Social Media + Society, 9(2), 1-10. (IF: 5.2. Communication - SSCI Q1)
Zhao, L.*, & Chu, C. (2022). Queer Attention Matters: A Study on Affordance from Queer Male Media Practices on Zhihu. Chinese Journal of Communication, 15(1), 34-53. (IF: 2.7. Communication - SSCI Q2)
Zhao, L.*, Liu, J., & Li, Z. (2022). Online Dating beyond Dating Apps: An Exploration of the Self-Presentation of Chinese Gay Men Dating on Zhihu, International Journal of Communication, 16. 2220-2238. (IF: 1.7. Communication - SSCI Q3)
Alejandro, A., & Zhao, L. (Online First). Multi-Method Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis: A Methodological Framework. Qualitative Inquiry. (IF: 2. Social Science Interdisciplinary – SSCI Q2)
赵龙轩,林聪.“黑箱”中的青年:大学生群体的算法意识、算法态度与算法操纵[J].中国青年研究,2022(07):20-30. (社会学 -CSSCI)